
CoolGreenPower distributes COOLNOMIX product lines to all 50 US states and Canada.

Air Conditioning


An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain or improve indoor comfort while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).

Pro)duct: AC-01 (Air Conditioning)

Firmware Version:  8.47

Setpoints (Cooling & Heating):  61-88 °F 

Compatible DX Units:  Packaged Rooftop, Split, Heat Pump, VRF 

Connectivity:  WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared 

Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC

Key Features: 

  • Dual sensors provide indoor comfort quantification and more precise cooling delivery  

  • Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required comfort levels have been achieved 

  • Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes. 

  • Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit

  • Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function. 

  • No maintenance required 

Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation:  20-40% KwH.  Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load, programmable thermostat settings, and ventilation strategies (e.g., fan settings, economizer, VFDs) .    

Simple Payback:  6-36 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost to procure and install  

Availability:  All 50 US states through our network of partners: HVAC / mechanical contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.

Pricing:  Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates.

Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty.




An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain product temperature while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).

Product: AR-01 (Refrigeration) 

Firmware Version:  8.47

Setpoint:    32-59 °F 

Compatible DX Units:  Walk-In Coolers, Display Cases 

Connectivity:  WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared 

Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC

Key Features: 

  • Dual sensors provide refrigeration product temperature stability and more precise cooling delivery, while preventing icing on the evaporator coil 

  • Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required comfort levels have been achieved 

  • Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes. 

  • Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit

  • Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function. 

  • No maintenance required 

Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation:  20-40% KwH.  Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load 

Simple Payback:  6-36 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost procure and install  

Availability:  All 50 US states through our network of partners: refrigeration contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.

Pricing:  Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates. Can purchase in small volumes at suggested retail price from the CoolGreenPower store 

Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty. 




An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain product temperature while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).

Product: AF-01 (Deep Freeze)

Firmware Version:  8.47

Setpoint: -13°F to 14°F

Compatible DX Units:  Walk-In Freezer, Closed case Freezer

Connectivity:  WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared

Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC

Key Features:

  • Dual sensors provide deep freeze product temperature stability and more precise cooling delivery.

  • Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required product temperature levels have been achieved

  • Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes.

  • Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit

  • Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function.

  • No maintenance required

Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation:  20-40% KwH.  Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load

Simple Payback:  6-24 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost procure and install

Availability:  All 50 US states through our network of partners: refrigeration contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.

Pricing:  Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates.

Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty.


Climate Mind


The CLIMATEMIND board is an optional feature for COOLNOMIX to reduce energy during the heating mode for air-source heat pump systems that use electricity for both cooling and heating. Its built-in resistors adjust automatically to deliver energy savings during both the cooling and heating cycle of dual cycle air-conditioners.

Compatible DX Units:  Air Source Heat Pump (All Electric)

The CLIMATEMIND board is plugged into COOLNOMIX next to its dipswitches and works with the built-in heating mode of the unit.

Remote Management

Remote Management

Allows customers and their services contractors to know what is happening in their building anytime anywhere. 

  • GEMS (Global Energy Management Systems) is a remote management solution for wifi-connected COOLNOMIX units

  • rpmB (Remote Performance Monitoring for Buildings) is a remote management solution for buildings and their mechanical systems, including HVAC and refrigeration systems. 

COOLNOMIX Remote Management - GEMS (Global Energy Management Services)

The web-based Dashboard (GEMS) connects to COOLNOMIX units over the internet.

Product: GEMS (Global Energy Management Services)

Version:  0.57

Key Features:

  • Monitor the parameters COOLNOMIX is measuring

  • Access certain functions

  • See what mode COOLNOMIX is operating in

  • See what COOLNOMIX is requesting the cooling system to do


  • Summary Info - # of Units, # of Units in each Status, % Savings

  • Device Info - Device ID, Customer ID, Name, Model, Version, Set Point

  • Real-Time Data – Sensor 1 Temp, Sensor 2 Temp, Mode, Status, Last Connected

  • Savings %

  • Change COOLNOMIX Set Point

  • Request Compressor On/Off (ie. Open / Close Relay; should be used with care)

  • Start Data Log, Download Data Log (60 second log records)

  • Check Saving (One cycle checking)

  • Test Run (Hours COOLNOMIX Off / House COOLNOMIX On)

  • Autotune (Determine COOLNOMIX Setpoint)

Building and Asset Remote Management - rpmB (Remote Performance Monitoring for Buildings)

The ability to monitor building and asset conditions without physically being inside the building has become more accessible due to the availability of low-cost wireless sensors and the ability to create internet connectivity in most locations, either using an existing WiFi network or installing a cellular router solution. Collects data using low-cost wireless sensors placed in buildings, tenant suites, and assets. Data is then available for viewing.


  • Know what is happening with your building and assets without physically being inside the building

  • Measure your building systems’ current and historical performance data

  • Identify opportunities for performance improvements

  • Identify when systems are not performing as expected

Commercial off-the-shelf products that are highly reliable, reasonable cost, and timely customer support from the company who makes the product.  rPMB is offered preconfigued as a service by Building Assure PBC (