CoolGreenPower distributes COOLNOMIX product lines to all 50 US states and Canada.
Air Conditioning
An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain or improve indoor comfort while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).
Pro)duct: AC-01 (Air Conditioning)
Firmware Version: 8.47
Setpoints (Cooling & Heating): 61-88 °F
Compatible DX Units: Packaged Rooftop, Split, Heat Pump, VRF
Connectivity: WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared
Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC
Key Features:
Dual sensors provide indoor comfort quantification and more precise cooling delivery
Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required comfort levels have been achieved
Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes.
Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit
Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function.
No maintenance required
Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation: 20-40% KwH. Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load, programmable thermostat settings, and ventilation strategies (e.g., fan settings, economizer, VFDs) .
Simple Payback: 6-36 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost to procure and install
Availability: All 50 US states through our network of partners: HVAC / mechanical contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.
Pricing: Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates.
Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty.
An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain product temperature while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).
Product: AR-01 (Refrigeration)
Firmware Version: 8.47
Setpoint: 32-59 °F
Compatible DX Units: Walk-In Coolers, Display Cases
Connectivity: WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared
Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC
Key Features:
Dual sensors provide refrigeration product temperature stability and more precise cooling delivery, while preventing icing on the evaporator coil
Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required comfort levels have been achieved
Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes.
Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit
Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function.
No maintenance required
Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation: 20-40% KwH. Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load
Simple Payback: 6-36 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost procure and install
Availability: All 50 US states through our network of partners: refrigeration contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.
Pricing: Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates. Can purchase in small volumes at suggested retail price from the CoolGreenPower store
Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty.
An energy efficiency add-on technology (AoT) that helps an existing Direct Expansion (DX) cooling system maintain product temperature while reducing energy consumption by 20-40%. COOLNOMIX has built-in WiFi (2.4) and Bluetooth (5.0).
Product: AF-01 (Deep Freeze)
Firmware Version: 8.47
Setpoint: -13°F to 14°F
Compatible DX Units: Walk-In Freezer, Closed case Freezer
Connectivity: WiFi (2.4), Bluetooth (5.0). Infrared
Certifications: ETL (UL 60730-2-9, UL 60730-1), CE, CTICK, RoHS, and FCC
Key Features:
Dual sensors provide deep freeze product temperature stability and more precise cooling delivery.
Energy consumption is optimized by reducing compressor runtime once required product temperature levels have been achieved
Compressor health protection ensures a minimum cooling system run-time of 3 minutes and a minimum off-time of 3 minutes.
Operational status and fault detection via remote management over the Internet, connection to a local Android device or physical inspection of LED lights on outside of unit
Resilient. Standalone device requires no integration or connectivity to function.
No maintenance required
Energy Consumption Reduction Expectation: 20-40% KwH. Varies due to differences in climate, property type, variability of internal heat load
Simple Payback: 6-24 months. Varies due to energy consumption savings (see above), electricity rate, and cost procure and install
Availability: All 50 US states through our network of partners: refrigeration contractors, manufacturer’s reps, sales specialists, and wholesalers / distributors.
Pricing: Volume discounts available through channel partners, resellers, and affiliates.
Backing: 3 year Manufacturer’s Product warranty.
Climate Mind
The CLIMATEMIND board is an optional feature for COOLNOMIX to reduce energy during the heating mode for air-source heat pump systems that use electricity for both cooling and heating. Its built-in resistors adjust automatically to deliver energy savings during both the cooling and heating cycle of dual cycle air-conditioners.
Compatible DX Units: Air Source Heat Pump (All Electric)
The CLIMATEMIND board is plugged into COOLNOMIX next to its dipswitches and works with the built-in heating mode of the unit.
Remote Management
Remote Management
Allows customers and their services contractors to know what is happening in their building anytime anywhere.
GEMS (Global Energy Management Systems) is a remote management solution for wifi-connected COOLNOMIX units
rpmB (Remote Performance Monitoring for Buildings) is a remote management solution for buildings and their mechanical systems, including HVAC and refrigeration systems.
COOLNOMIX Remote Management - GEMS (Global Energy Management Services)
The web-based Dashboard (GEMS) connects to COOLNOMIX units over the internet.
Product: GEMS (Global Energy Management Services)
Version: 0.57
Key Features:
Monitor the parameters COOLNOMIX is measuring
Access certain functions
See what mode COOLNOMIX is operating in
See what COOLNOMIX is requesting the cooling system to do
Summary Info - # of Units, # of Units in each Status, % Savings
Device Info - Device ID, Customer ID, Name, Model, Version, Set Point
Real-Time Data – Sensor 1 Temp, Sensor 2 Temp, Mode, Status, Last Connected
Savings %
Change COOLNOMIX Set Point
Request Compressor On/Off (ie. Open / Close Relay; should be used with care)
Start Data Log, Download Data Log (60 second log records)
Check Saving (One cycle checking)
Test Run (Hours COOLNOMIX Off / House COOLNOMIX On)
Autotune (Determine COOLNOMIX Setpoint)
Building and Asset Remote Management - rpmB (Remote Performance Monitoring for Buildings)
The ability to monitor building and asset conditions without physically being inside the building has become more accessible due to the availability of low-cost wireless sensors and the ability to create internet connectivity in most locations, either using an existing WiFi network or installing a cellular router solution. Collects data using low-cost wireless sensors placed in buildings, tenant suites, and assets. Data is then available for viewing.
Know what is happening with your building and assets without physically being inside the building
Measure your building systems’ current and historical performance data
Identify opportunities for performance improvements
Identify when systems are not performing as expected
Commercial off-the-shelf products that are highly reliable, reasonable cost, and timely customer support from the company who makes the product. rPMB is offered preconfigued as a service by Building Assure PBC (