HVAC Contractor Income Estimator

This flexible tool enables HVAC companies to estimate 3 year income potential regardless the company size.

Please fill in the following with numbers that correspond to your current business operations. You can use the sliders or enter the number in the text box.
Unit Sales
# of Full-time HVAC Technicians
The number of AC technicians in your company.

Average # of Hours of Preventive Maintenance per Unit per Year
The number of preventative maintenance hours per AC unit per year.
Billable Utilization Rate
The percentage of AC technician available hours that can be billed to a paying customer.
Average Hourly Billing Rate
The rate that AC technician services are charged to an end customer.
Average Hourly Cost per Technician
The gross hourly wage that the company pays the AC technician.
Labor Burden Rate
The payroll related taxes that are the employer’s share; this number does not include office space, trucks, and other non-payroll related companies costs.
# Technicians Per Call
How may AC technicians are normally sent for a service call.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
% of DX Units Under Preventive Maintenance
Out of the DX Cooling systems that the company has installed, checked, or fixed over the past 3 years, the % of that total that has an annual Preventative Maintenance contract.
% of Units Under Preventative Maintenance Your Team Can Convert to COOLNOMIX
The % of customers that currently have Preventive Maintenance contracts which you believe you could convert to COOLNOMIX customers.
Verification Points
If any of the following quantities or costs do not match your current business operations, please adjust your assumptions until they match.

HVAC Units per Technician

Total Units to Service

Technician Cost with Burden
Projected Results
Below are the Project Results, predicted by your assumptions. You can adjust assumptions to see how it would impact your results.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
# of DX units under PM
# COOLNOMIX Converted
Incremental PM Projection
Subtotal Reseller Revenue
Incremental PM Revenue
CNX Driven Revenue